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CSC 555 601 Social Computing

3 Credit Hours

A survey of the field of social computing, introducing its the key concepts, paradigms, and techniques. Specific topics will be selected from the following list: social media, social network analysis, typology of social relationships, mobility and social context, human computation, crowdsourcing, prediction markets, organizational modeling, contracts, social norms, sociotechnical systems, social interpretation of information, formal argumentation, software engineering for social computing.


Graduate standing in computer science.
Knowledge of discrete mathematics.

Course Objectives

This course surveys the field of social computing, introducing its key concepts, paradigms, and techniques. Specific topics are selected from the following list: social media and social network analytics, sociological underpinnings, crowdsourcing and surveys, human computation, social mobilization, human decision making, voting theory, judgment aggregation, prediction markets, economic mechanisms, incentives, organizational modeling, argumentation, contracts, norms, mobility and social context, sociotechnical systems, and software engineering with and for social computing. This course incorporates ideas from diverse disciplines (including sociology, psychology, law, economics, political science, logic, statistics, philosophy, business) to provide essential background for future computer science careers in industry and research.

Course Requirements

Two exams: 30 points
Two programming assignments and one project: 60 points
Two homework assignments: 5 points
Message board participation: 5 points

Software Requirements: N/A: All necessary software will be available for use on NCSU laboratory computers or for free download for academic purposes.

For the latest course information, please consult or write to Professor Singh at his NCSU email address.


Required: Transparencies. These will be available on-line at no charge.

Required: Readings. These will be available on-line at no charge.