MSE 705 Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials
3 Credit Hours
The subjects to be covered will include stress, strain and elasticity, plasticity and flow rules, slip and dislocations, defect interactions, strengthening mechanisms, high-temperature deformation, fracture mechanics, toughening mechanisms in advanced materials, fatigue and cyclic deformation. Applications pertinent to engineering materials will be discussed.
Undergraduate course in mechanical properties of materials or undergraduate courses in structure of materials or consent of instructor. Familiarity with MATLAB, Maple or Mathematica software is recommended but not required.
Course Objectives
The course is intended for graduate engineering students who seek to develop a working knowledge in the deformation and fracture of materials and its relation to material microstructure.
Course Outline
- Strain, Transformation Laws
- Elasticity, Hook’s Law
- Plasticity, Yield Criteria and Yield Surfaces
- Deformation modes; slip, twinning, Von Mises condition, Schmid’s law, dislocation motion, and strain.
- Single Crystal deformation, dislocation substructure, polycrystal deformation, plasticity equations, Ramberg-Osgood relation, Hall-Petch equation.
- Strengthening Mechanisms, strain rate sensitivity, thermally activated deformation, adiabatic slip.
- Dislocation modeling, elastic and plastic cracks, Fracture toughness, J- integral.
- Stress based fatigue, mean stress equations, fatigue life prediction, multiaxial loading, notch effects, notch sensitivity, estimating S-N graph.
- Strain based fatigue, high and low cycle fatigue, strain-fatigue life equations.
- Fatigue crack growth, small cracks, microstructural effects, dislocation substructure
- Modeling of solid behavior, creep behavior, mechanisms of creep, deformation mechanism maps, void nucleation and growth.
- Creep life prediction, plasticity and viscoelasticity equations, stress relaxation and creep strain recovery.
- Damping, energy dissipation, thermoelastic effects, Q factor, force-free and forced oscillations, resonance, internal friction.
- Environmentally assisted cracking, mechanisms
- Statistical behavior of brittle solids, Weibull modulus
Course Requirements
Homework: No homework assignments
- Three open book take-home exams with the best 2 taken for credit.
- . In-class final examination closed book covering all material
Projects: None
Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Global Edition, Norman Dowling, Pearson Publishing, Fifth Edition, ISBN 9780134606545
Updated: 10/31/2022