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CSC 562 Introduction to Game Engine Design

3 Credit Hours

This course is an introduction to advanced graphics techniques used in computer game engines. If you are interested in careers in the film and gaming industries (which are becoming increasingly similar), or simply interested in how the effects wizards do what they do, you should enjoy and be well served by this course. By its end, you should be able to: name the leading game engines, list their capabilities, and describe how they are implemented; detail and implement methods for simulating lighting and reflections in games; describe and use techniques for improving rendering efficiency; compare and implement the ways to simulate collision of virtual objects, contrast and employ animation techniques, especially those for articulated characters.


An introductory computer graphics course at the graduate or undergraduate level (e.g., NC State CSC 461 Computer Graphics or NC State CSC 561 Principles of Computer Graphics). There are no other corequisites or restrictions. Good programming skills are essential, and experience with graphics APIs such as Open/WebGL or Direct3D is strongly advised. If you do not have these skills and experience, do not take this course.

Course Structure

Each week of this course will focus on one graphics topic. Lectures will be recorded as videos for home viewing. Synchronous class sessions will be interactive studios, with the instructor summarizing the major points of the topic, students presenting some material in depth, and students working problems and programs together. Over half of the course mark is determined by programming work, including a major project. For the remainder, students will participate, read, present, answer questions and take online home quizzes.


The optional textbook is Real Time Rendering, by Akenine-Moeller et al. It is available online at the NCSU Library.

Updated: 11/04/2022