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ECE 506 Architecture of Parallel Computers

3 Credit Hours

(also offered as CSC 506)

The need for parallel and massively parallel computers. Taxonomy of parallel computer architecture, and programming models for parallel architectures. Example parallel algorithms. Shared-memory vs. distributed-memory architectures. Correctness and performance issues. Cache coherence and memory consistency. Bus-based and scalable directory-based multiprocessors. Interconnection-network topologies and switch design. Brief overview of advanced topics such as multiprocessor prefetching and speculative parallel execution.


Courses in computer architecture or computer organization and assembly-level programming. Digital design, probability and statistics, operating systems.

Course Objectives

To teach the principles of high-performance parallel computer design and to provide a brief introduction to the programming techniques necessary to use them.

Course Requirements



Required text: Yan Solihin, Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore ArchitectureISBN: 978-1-4822-1118-4

Computer and Software Requirements

Access to NCSU Unity systems through PuTTY (Windows) or ssh (Mac, Linux, Unix).

Created 02/25/2021