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ECE 552 Renewable Electric Energy Systems

3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the new renewable energy based electric energy generation technologies and their integration into the power grid. The principals of main renewable energy based generation technologies: solar, wind, and fuel cells. Interconnection of distributed generation sources to power distribution grid. Economic and policy aspects of distributed generation.


Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion (NC State ECE 305) or equivalent

Course Objectives

The course objectives are: understanding the principals of heat engines, photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and fuel cells. Basic design issues regarding these generation systems. Basic schemes for interconnecting the renewable generation systems to the power grid. Fundamentals of engineering economics, and production cost estimate methods.

Course Requirements

Homework: 20%

Examinations: Midterm 30%; Final 35%

Software Requirements: Matlab/Simulink

Projects: class project 15%


G. M. Masters, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, Wiley 2004
(softcopy is available via library)

Updated 11/16/2022