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ISE 748 Quality Engineering

3 Credit Hours

Introduction to basic concepts of quality engineering, statistical process control (SPC) methods, acceptance sampling techniques, concept of parameter design and statistical as well as analytical techniques for its implementation, tolerance analysis and design, components of cost of poor quality and an introduction to quality management.


A course in probability and statistics, graduate standing or permission of instructor.

Course Objectives

To introduce graduate students in industrial engineering, mechanical engineering or electrical engineering to the concepts and methods of quality engineering. Conventional methods of on-line QC, such as the control charts, as well as the relatively newly developed methods of off-line QC are covered in a comprehensive manner.

Course Topics

  • Definition of quality: quality and variability, the concept of quality assurance, cost of poor quality.
  • Control charts: Variable control charts, Attribute control charts, diagnostic trends and patterns, rational subgroups.
  • Process capability analysis: Various indices for measuring process capability based on the fraction defective as well as on the continuous loss functions.
  • Tolerance analysis and design: concept of propagation of error and methods of its computation in the linear and nonlinear environments.
  • Parameter design: Concept and basic definitions, methods based statistical design of experiments and nonlinear optimization.
  • Introduction to statistical sampling plans.

Course Requirements

Homework: Biweekly assignments.

Examinations: Two exams: one midterm and one final

Projects: Students may propose their own project topics or carry out the class project.


Derman, Cyrus and Sheldon M. Ross, Statistical Aspects of Quality Control, 1997.
ISBN: 0-12-210010-7

Reference books (not required)

  • Douglas, C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley & Sons, 6th edition, 2008.
  • Grant and Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, Seventh Edition, 1996.
  • Logothesis, L., Managing for Total Quality, 1992.
  • Devor, Chang and Sutherland, Statistical Quality Design and Control, 1992.
  • Phadke, M.S., Quality Engineering using Robust Design, 1989.
  • Garvin, D.A., Managing Quality, Free Press 1988.
  • Taguchi, Introduction to Quality Engineering, Unipub 1986.
  • Harrington, Marcel Dekker, Poor Quality Cost, 1987.
  • Phadke, M.S., Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, Prentice Hall 1989.

Any scientific programming language such as FORTRAN or PASCAL, or a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel.

Updated: 10/31/2022