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MAE 575 Advanced Propulsion Systems

3 Credit Hours

Introduce the student to current advanced propulsion systems. The course will focus on non-turbomachinery, air-breathing hypersonic aeropropulsion applications. Specific propulsion systems to be covered include ramjets and scramjets, pulsed detonation engines, and combined cycle engines, with historical perspective. A brief overview of advanced chemical and electric rocket propulsion systems may also be given.


Students will be expected to have a fundamental understanding of the gas turbine cycle, turbomachinery (compressors and turbines), compressible fluid dynamics, and equilibrium chemistry as it relates to the combustion process.

Course Topics

Background and Overview with Historical Perspectives
Governing Aerothermodynamics Eqns.
Airbreathing Engine Performance Measures
Aerospace System Performance Measures
Compression System (Inlets and Shock Structure)
Combustion Systems
Expansion Systems
Ramjets and Scramjets, design and performance
Pulsejets (Aeropulse) and PDEs, design and performance
Combined Cycle Engines.
Ground Based Testing of Hypersonic Propulsion Devices

Course Requirements

Homework: 4-6 homework assignments counting 10% of grade
Examinations: Two exams (30% each) and a final exam (40%)
Software Requirements: None
Projects: None


Heiser and Pratt, Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion, AIAA, Washington, DC. ISBN 1-56347-035-7

Selected Handouts.

Updated 10/08/2020