Media Services
Access to Lecture Videos and Notes
Default Access
- Before each semester begins, access is set for distance and on-campus sections of the course you are teaching that semester. This includes any cross-listed or co-listed sections. Their access is set for the duration of the semester and ends shortly after the end of final exams.
- The only exception to this rule is if you are teaching a course for Engineering Online using pre-recorded lectures but are also teaching a live, on-campus section of the course. In that case, access is NOT set for the on-campus section(s) by default. The Media Production Coordinator asks all instructors in this situation via email if they want access set for the on-campus section(s) and will not set that up unless confirmed by the instructor.
Changes to Default Access
- If you prefer that on-campus students NOT have access to the course lecture recordings, send an email to the Media Production Coordinator. Access can be removed for the entire semester or temporarily as an incentive to increase class attendance.
Instructor Access to Previously-Recorded Lecture Videos and Notes
- Instructors have “permanent” access to their recorded course lectures online from the unique EOL lecture catalog link for the semester the course was recorded. A complete list of those links is found here.
Additional Access
- You can grant access to the course recorded lectures for additional individuals by adding them to the WolfWare space for your course. Adding a person with any available role (Teaching Assistant, Instructional Support, Student, etc.) will give them access to the recorded lectures, as long as access is set for the section for which the WolfWare course was set up (see Changes to Default Access above).
- Access set through WolfWare roles will take effect the next morning after the systems sync.
- This is an easy way to grant access to your recordings for those that need it, including:
- TA’s
- Faculty conducting peer reviews
- Students finishing requirements to resolve an Incomplete grade from a previous semester
- Students not enrolled in the course who are preparing for qualifying exams
- Contact for assistance granting access to:
- A student attempting to resolve an Incomplete during a semester in which you are not teaching the course
- Somone that does not have a UnityID
Class Schedule Exceptions
To Request That a Previously-Recorded Lecture Be Used to Replace a Live Lecture
- Occasionally, faculty must miss scheduled class sessions. If you have taught the class for EOL before, we should be able to post (a) lecture(s) from a previous semester to replace the live class meeting.
- First, please review the lectures you’ve recorded for EOL in the past to identify which previously-recorded lectures would be suitable as replacements. You can review the lectures for the previously-recorded courses you’ve taught for EOL here.
- Once you know which lecture(s) you want posted, please complete this form. You will receive an email when the request has been filled.
To Schedule a Recording At a Different time
- Pre-recorded and make-up recordings can be scheduled in a studio classroom where students may attend or in a mini-studio.
- To schedule a pre-record, make-up recording or additional review session, inform your studio classroom technician and send an email to