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ISE 754 Logistics Engineering

3 Credit Hours

Elements of logistics networks. Supply chain design: facility location and allocation; great-circle distances; geocoding. Freight transport; LTL tariffs; total logistics cost; road networks. Production and distribution planning: multi-echelon, multi-period, multi-product production and inventory models. Vehicle routing: heuristic procedures; traveling salesman problem; multistop truckloads; routing problem with time windows. Warehousing: basic operations; activity profiling; order picking systems.



Course Objectives

This course will present the fundamental quantitative approaches that are used in the design and control of logistics systems, including modeling issues, design concepts, computational considerations, and the use of the MATLAB software package. This quantitative, or engineering, approach to logistics is meant to complement that of business logistics, which is concerned with the management of physical distribution and procurement processes and relationships.

Course Requirements


EXAM 1: 20%, take-home

EXAM 2: 20%, take-home

FINAL EXAM: 25%, in-class

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: The MATLAB software package can be installed on your personal computer by either downloading it from software@NC State or is available via the Virtual Computing Lab (VCL). VCL is an alternative to installing the software on your personal computer. See the course homepage for details.


No textbook required. Instructor will provide all the materials.

Approved 3/10/2020