CE 576 Engineering Principles of Air Pollution Control
3 Credit Hours
Fundamentals of air pollutant formation and control from stationary and mobile emission sources. Chemical kinetics, mass and heat transfer, and thermodynamics affecting gaseous and particle pollutant formation in a variety of emission sources. Study of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, hydrocarbons, and air toxics formation and control. Principles of conventional and advanced flue gas desulfurization, thermal and fuel NOx control, and particle/air toxics emission control will be among the emission topics to be explored.
Students are expected to have had previous undergraduate coursework in thermodynamics, physics, chemistry, statistics, and mathematics through differential equations. This course will emphasize engineering design based upon application of fundamental principles. Students who audit must satisfactorily complete at least five homework assignments or make equivalent arrangements with the instructor. Please contact the instructor if you have any questions.
Course Objectives
The student completing this course will be able to: (1) identify, classify, and prioritize major emission sources; (2) categorize and describe major types of regulations; (3) apply mass balance, energy balance, chemical equilibrium, and chemical kinetic concepts to estimate pollutant formation rates for a variety of major stationary and mobile sources; and (4) identify, analyze, design, and evaluate air pollution prevention and control strategies.
Course Outline
- Overview of Air Pollution Control
- Fuels and Energy Consumption
- Fuel Combustion
- Combustion Thermodynamics
- Pollutant Formation in Combustion Systems
- Chemical Equilibrium & Pollution
- Chemical Kinetics & Pollution
- Principles of Design and Cost
- VOC Emissions, Prevention, and Control
- NOx Emissions, Prevention, and Control
- Carbon Monoxide Emissions, Prevention, and Control
- Mobile Source Emissions
- Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, Prevention, and Control
- Particulate Matter Emissions, Prevention, and Control
Course Requirements
Homework Assignments: Approximately nine.
Examinations: Two in-class exams and one comprehensive three-hour final exam.
Software: Students are expected to be able to use a spreadsheet and to install and use public domain software. Access to a Windows-based PC is needed. An example of a software package that we are likely to use is the Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM), which can be downloaded from http://www.iecm-online.com/
Required readings will be provided.