CE 588 Water Resources Engineering
3 Credit Hours
Extension of the concepts of fluid mechanics and hydraulics to applications in water supply, water transmission, water distribution networks and open channels to include water-supply reservoirs, pump and pipe selection, determinate and indeterminate pipe networks, and analysis of open channels with appurtenances.
Undergraduate courses in field of study or consent of instructor.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding and familiarity with the processes governing numerous water resources systems, including water distribution networks, groundwater management, and surface water management, as well as with their integration into planning and design procedures. Students should be able to analyze and solve different water resources engineering problems, as well as be able to apply these procedures in the creative process of identifying alternative design solutions.
Course Outline
Topics covered include analysis as well as planning and design issues related to water resources systems, including water distribution networks, groundwater resources, and surface water systems.
Course Requirements
Homework Assignments: Approximately eight assignments.
Examinations: One exam and a final exam.
Course Project: The course project will be an independent project, in which students explore a topic related to water resources planning, construct a model, and find solutions for management. Students will write a report describing the model using mathematical equations and the results of the analysis.
No text is required. Reading will be assigned and made available from different text books.