CSC 600 Computer Science Graduate Orientation
1 Credit Hour
Introduction for new graduate students to (a) information about graduate program, department, and university resources, and (b) research projects conducted by CSC faculty.
The MCS-DE program requires CSC 600-DE. It is intended to cover material similar to the on-campus version of the course, and students are required to watch recordings of the on-campus class. CSC 600-DE can also be used to satisfy the CSC 600 requirement for part-time MS/MCS students. It is not to be used by full-time students or for PhD students.
Grading is S/U (pass/fail).
NOTE: The recorded lectures provide information useful to all graduate students in Computer Science, including Graduate School requirements and procedures, access to scholarly information, computing and networking resources, and academic integrity.
CSC 600-DE is also used to replace the requirement to attend four seminars, since we assume it is very difficult for the students to come to campus to attend these seminars. This is accomplished by asking students to view recorded seminars (of their choice) and write short summaries.
Finally, students are introduced to research being done in the Department of Computer Science, by selecting recent research papers the faculty have published, and summarizing / critiquing that work.
Updated 10/30/2022