MAE 505 Heat Transfer Theory and Applications
3 Credit Hours
Development of basic equations for steady and transient heat and mass transfer processes. Emphasis on application of basic equations to engineering problems in areas of conduction, convection, mass transfer and thermal radiation.
Undergraduate course in convective heat transfer and fluid flow or consent of instructor.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course the students will be able to:
- Develop a working knowledge of the physical laws that govern conduction, convection, radiation and mass transfer.
- Learn how to express the physical laws in terms of differential equations, systems of algebraic equations and/or integral equations.
- Develop skills for solving the basic equations by analytical methods and by numerical methods.
- Gain experience in solving complex thermal science problems by approximate methods and by means of computer models.
Course Requirements
CLASS PROJECT: will be assigned during the semester.
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Matlab, or other programming languages will be useful.
Bejan, Adrian. Heat Transfer, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993. ISBN: 0-471-50290-1.
Computer and Software Requirements
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Matlab, or other programming languages will be useful.
Created 03/02/2021