MSE 791 603 Nonferrous Alloys
3 Credit Hours
The course highlights several nonferrous alloys of importance. The fundamental principles of developing these alloys for practical applications will be described. Alloy theories will be applied to show how certain phases detrimental to service life can be prevented to form. The emphasis of this course is in understanding the alloys from correlation of microstructure to properties.
MSE 201 Structures and Properties of Engineering Materials, MSE 450 Mechanical Behavior of Materials.
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are:
- To understand the importance of fundamental microstructural features and defects in the design and evolution of nonferrous alloys. The various alloys to be considered include copper base alloys, light metal alloys (titanium, aluminum and magnesium) and high temperature alloys (nickel and cobalt) .
- To appreciate the use of these alloys in real world applications. In each class of alloys, different phase transformations and important phases formed from addition of different alloying elements will be discussed.
- To understand the role of each alloying element in strengthening and stabilizing the phases via order-disorder or martensitic or other transformation.
- To know the specific alloying elements that enhance corrosion resistance, high temperature oxidation resistance and creep resistance.
- To know the factors that are used in the design and development of alloys for advanced applications.
- To apply principles of alloy theory in the prediction of formation of different desirable or undesirable phases.
Course Requirements
Homework: No home work assignments will be collected. Homework assignments will be made available to practice.
Exams: Three midterm tests and one final exam will be conducted. The final scores will be taken from the two best midterm tests and the final examination. All carry equal weight. Each midterm test will have a class part and a take home part carrying equal weight. Enough time will be given between the class part and take home part of the tests.
Project: A research paper may be submitted on a special topic of interest to replace one of the midterm tests.
Textbook (Books suggested but not required)
Heat treatment, structure and properties of nonferrous alloys, Author: Charlie R. Brooks, ASM, ISBN:0-87170-138-3
Transformations in metals, Author: P. G. Shewmon, Indo American Books, ISBN: 81-89617-18-4
Structure and properties of engineering materials, Author: R. M. Brick, A. W. Pense and R. B. Gordon, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 0-07-007721-5.