CE 747 Geosynthetics in Geotechnical Engineering
3 Credit Hours
Designing with Geosynthetics is a geoenvironmental engineering graduate course that is designed to teach the various types of geosynthetic materials available for today’s geotechnical engineering market including geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, and geocomposites. Course material will cover the physical and engineering properties of the geosynthetic materials, and several applications including drainage and filtration systems, base and subgrade support, slope and wall reinforcements, embankments on soft soils, landfill liners and covers and other aspects of soil improvement.
Undergraduate course in CE 342, Soil Properties and Foundation
Course Objectives
The main objective of CE 747-Geosynthetics is to introduce and expose the Civil Engineering Students to design and analysis of geosynthetic materials used in geotechnical applications. Geosynthetics provide a design alternative that has the potential of overcoming a wide variety of difficult site conditions. Information in this course will provide hands-on practical knowledge on the manufacturing techniques uses, and design and construction aspects of geosynthetics in geotechnical engineering applications. Special focus will be placed on geotextiles, geonets, geogrids and geomembranes.
Course Requirements
HOMEWORK: About 7 homework assignments
EXAMINATIONS: One semester exam and a final exam
COMPUTER LANGUAGE (S): Spreadsheet, Stability and Retaining Walls programs
PROJECTS: Each student will conduct a paper review from literature and provide a synopsis on results, conclusions, and own critique and suggestion of trends, drawbacks, and future directions.
Koerner, R.M., Designing with Geosynthetics. Publication Date: January 16, 2012 | ISBN-10: 1465345256 | ISBN-13: 978-1465345257 | Edition: 7