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NE 780 Magnetohydrodynamics & Transport in Plasmas

3 Credit Hours

Advanced fluid description of plasmas for magnetic fusion, space and industrial plasmas, and other applications. Emphasis on a first principles approach to transport, equilibria, and stability.


NE 528, Electromagnetics.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Mathematically and physically describe the equilibrium and stability of a plasma using the MHD equations.
  2. Apply the MHD energy principle to a plasma scenario to determine stability.
  3. Describe the diffusion rate of species in a magnetized plasma.
  4. Explain in detail the background and state of the art for a magnetized plasma physics or plasma engineering topic of particular interest to them.

Course Requirements

AssignmentGrading weight
Homework 55%
Final Project Proposal5%
Final Report15%
Final Presentation18%
Final Presentation Assignment2%


Paul M. Bellan, “Fundamentals of Plasma Physics”, (2008) Any Edition, cost ~$100 paperback; free eBook.

Created: 09/04/2024