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NE 795 Materials for Nuclear Reactors

3 Credit Hours

Special Topics in Nuclear Materials: Materials for Nuclear Reactors.


NE509 or equivalent.

Course Objectives

This course is a reading course on Nuclear Materials Science appropriate for Nuclear Reactors covering materials for current and future reactors.

Course Requirements

Involves 4 to 6 assignments (40%) and a term-long project report (60%).

Course Outline

  1. Reactor Types
  2. Basic Materials Science: Crystal structure, imperfections & diffusion, phase diagrams, dislocation theory – meet to go through for 3 to 5 classes
  3. Radiation Damage: dpa
  4. Nuclear Structural Materials
  5. Mechanical and Fracture Properties
  6. Environmental Effects
  7. Radiation Effects
  8. Materials for Current and Advanced Reactors
  9. Advanced Materials Testing & Analyses
  10. Plant Life Management (PLIM) and Plant Life Extension (PLEX)


Main reference: 1. W. Hoffelner, ‘Materials for Nuclear Plants,’ Springer, 2013.

Created: 4/15/2024