CHE 596 612 Viscoelasticity and Time-Dependent Mechanics of Polymers and Soft Matter
Graduate Standing
Course Objectives
Some expected student outcomes are:
- Be able to use linear viscoelasticity (Boltzmann superposition) to calculate simple loading histories.
- Understand the linear viscoelastic functions and how they are used to interprte behavior soft materials.
- Understand the physics of time-temperature and time-concentration superposition principles.
- Understand concepts of structural recovery and physical aging in glasses, including colloids and how these relate to material performance.
- Be familiar with the ideas of polymer mechanical durability.
M. Findley, J.S. Lai, and K. Onaran, Creep and Relaxation of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials (with and Introduction to Linear Viscoelasticity), Dover Publications, 1976.
- G B. McKenna, “Viscoelasticity,” in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, J. Wiley, New York.
- G B. McKenna, “Glass Formation and Glassy Behavior,” in Comprehensive Polymer Science: Vol. 2. Polymer Properties, ed. By C. Booth and C. Price, Pergamon, Oxford, 311-363 (1989).
- G B. McKenna, “Physical Aging in Glasses and Composites,” Chapter 7 in Long-Term Durability of Polymeric Matrix Composites, ed. by Kishore V. Pochiraju, Gyaneshwar P. Tandon and Gregory A. Schoeppner, Springer, New York, 2011. pp. 237- 309.
- J-L. Halary, F. Laupretre, L. Monnerie, Polymer Materials: Macroscopic Properties and Molecular Interpretations, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2011.
- John D. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed. J. Wiley, New York, 1980
5 % – Class participation
0 % – Homeworks (But lack of submission and completion of homeworks results in negative points of 20% per homework)
45 % – Projects (15% minor project, 30% major project)
50 % – Exams (15% exam 1, 15% exam 2, 20% Final Exam)
Tentative Course Outline:
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM Room: EB 3-02232
Lessons 1-3 “Introduction to the Nature of Soft Materials and of Viscoelasticity”
(1/8, 10, 17) {1/15 is MLK holiday}
- What is a ‘Soft Material’
- What is Viscoelasticity?
- General ideas about material mechanics and response functions needed for constitutive modeling.
Lessons 4-6 “General Viscoelastic Response Functions for Polymers and Other Soft Matter”
(1/22, 24, 29)
- Linear viscoelastic material functions
- Interrelations between viscoelastic functions
- Boltzmann superposition principle
Lessons 7-8 “Experimental Methods: How do we determine the Response Functions?”
(1/31, 2/5)
- Commercial Instruments
- Controlled stress and controlled strain instruments
- Servo-hydraulic instruments
- ‘Self-built’ methods
- Creep
- Torsion pendulum
- Membrane inflation
- Piezo-electric systems
Lessons 9-10 “Temperature and Concentration Effects on Viscoelastic Properties. 1”
(2/7, 12)
- Ideas of the glass transition
- Glass transition temperature
- Glass transition concentration
- Importance for measurements: How good does my temperature control have to be?
Lessons 11-12 “Temperature and Concentration Effects on Viscoelastic Properties. 2”
(2/14, 19)
- Time-temperature superposition (reduced time)
- Time-concentration superposition (reduced time)
- Ranges of validity and power of the methods
EXAM 1. (February 21, 2024)
Lessons 13-15 “Glassy Kinetics: The Fading Memory Models or Reduced Time Space
(2/26, 28, 3/4) Boltzmann Superposition”
- A discussion of the Kovacs, Aklonis, Hutchinson, Ramos (KAHR) and Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan (TNM) models of structural recovery.
- Challenges for the future?
- Review of Exam 1
Lessons 16-17 “Time-Dependent Failure of Polymers and Time-Dependence of Other
(3/6, 18) Engineering Properties”
- Static Fatigue
- Dynamic Fatigue
- Miner’s rule
- Baily criterion
- Lifetime predictions-Can we use the above information to set experimental protocols?
Lessons 18-20 “Non-Linear Behavior of Polymers”
(3/20, 4/1, 3)
- Nonlinear response of solid polymers
- Rubber
- Glass
- Nonlinear response of entangled polymers
- Melts
- Solutions
March 25, no class
EXAM 2. March 27, 2024
Lessons 21-24 “Dynamics of Colloids and Other Glass-forming Systems”
(4/8, 10, 15)
- The colloidal glass
- Concentration effects and jamming
- Yield behavior
- Structural recovery: the Kovacs signatures
- Viscoelasticity of small molecule glass-formers
- Linear response
- Aging behavior
Project Presentations and review of course: April 17 and April 22
April 23 is the last day of classes.
FINAL EXAM: Friday April 26. 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM.
Updated: 11/09/2022