CSC 570 Computer Networks
3 Credit Hours
(also offered as ECE 570)
This class focuses on general introduction to computer networks, including discussion of protocol principles, local area and wide area networking, OSI stack, TCP/IP and quality of service principles. The detailed discussion of topics includes physical-layer communication, medium access control, routing algorithms, transport-layer protocols, wireless networking, and simulations. Based on the key aspects and concepts of computer networks which are already consolidated, the course will also introduce some advanced technology in the new generation networks. In a complimentary direction, the course will introduce the basic use of network simulation tool, e.g., to demonstrate and investigate computer network behavior of different topologies and under a variety of conditions.
Basic courses or knowledge in computer organization, statistics and probability, programming ability. An undergraduate course in networking fundamentals is helpful but not strictly required.
Course Objectives
The class has a three-pronged focus: 1) learning the key aspects and concepts of computer networks; 2) learning advanced technology and analysis methodologies for networks, and evolved (or evolving) mechanisms in new generation networks; and 3) learning the capabilities and simple use of network simulation tool, and then using it to demonstrate and investigate computer network behavior.
Course Topics
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Introduction to Computer Networks and Internet
- Network Performance and Metrics
- OSI Model and Protocol
- Physical Layer
- Data Link Layer and Media Access Control
- Routing Algorithms and Protocols
- Transmission Control Protocol
- Application Design
- Network Simulation
- Wireless Networking (Wi-Fi, Cellular)
- Other Advanced Topics (5G, Security, Machine Learning for Networks)
Course Materials
There is recommended (not required) textbook for this course: “Computer Networks”, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Edition: 6th.
Besides, slides and research articles will be posted on Moodle.
Grading Policy
Grade will be based on 4 assignments, 1-2 midterm exams, and a final exam. Midterms happen in- person during lecture time, and final happens in-person during designated exam hours. Both subject to change.
Assignments | 30% |
Participation | 10% |
Midterm | 30% |
Final | 30% |
Attendance Policy:
Valid excuses for absence will be accepted before class.
Academic Integrity:
Students are required to comply with the university policy on academic integrity that can be found at Do not, under any circumstances, copy another person’s code. This includes any open-source code available in the Internet. Proper acknowledgment in the source code or in the report is required if using someone else’s work. See also for a detailed explanation of academic honesty.
Updated: 11/01/2022