ECE 575 Introduction to Wireless Networking
3 Credit Hours
(also offered as CSC 575)
Introduction to wireless networking. Topics include: introduction to wireless propagation, medium access, cellular networks, metropolitan, local and personal area wireless networks and mobile IP.
Computer Networks (NC State CSC/ECE 570)
Course Objectives
This course provides an introduction to wireless networking, including fundamental principles, architectures, and techniques. The objective of this course is to help students understand how wireless systems work and how mobility is supported and networking protocols are designed for a variety of network architectures such as cellular, wireless local area networks, and IP infrastructures.
In addition to classroom activity, students will gain in-depth knowledge of latest developments in wireless systems through simulations tools and hands-on labs or projects.
The prerequisite of this course is ECE/CSC 570, from which students are assumed to understand basic concepts about computer networks and layered architecture. Prof. Keith Townsend’s course ECE 582 covers physical layer issues in wireless network, which discusses channel modeling, modulation and other issues. Knowledge of course ECE 582 will also be helpful to this course, while it is not required. Please read the entire web site carefully for course policies. Students who register this class would be considered that he/she is prepared to observe the requirements and policies.
Mobile Communications by Jochen Schiller, Publisher: Addison-Wesley; 2 edition (September 21, 2003).
ISBN-10: 0321123816
ISBN-13: 978-0321123817
Updated: 10/31/2022