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EGR 590 620 Engineering Education: Content, Assessment, and Pedagogy

3 Credit Hours

This course in engineering education focuses on course design (or redesign) as an engineering design problem. Areas covered will be writing learning outcomes that link to specific course goals, how to establish course goals (explicit and implicit), ways to assess whether learning outcomes and course goals are being met, and innovative pedagogical approaches, including online and blended learning. Topical areas will be supported with readings from the engineering education literature.


Senior or graduate standing.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students should be able to:
• Create learning goals and objectives for a new course that they plan to teach.
• Evaluate where the course they are teaching falls in an entire course of study and understand its importance.
• Identify how diverse characteristics of learners interact with course objectives (including principles of universal design)
• Identify skills that students need to participate in a course and how to ensure that students have those skills
• Classify and formulate learning objectives for redesigning an existing course
• Create assessments that effectively measure student learning relative to course objectives
• Interpret current trends and literature in engineering education
• Effectively create course activities and materials for online, in-person, and blended learning situations.

Course Requirements and Grading

The course will be interactive, discussion-based and participatory.

Projects (2)30% total

Textbook and Other Materials

No textbook.

Other materials: You may be asked to collect certain commonly found household items to perform hands-on activities along with the in-class section. These may include straws, paper, tape, spaghetti, a large marshmallow, notecards or others.

Updated 11/04/2022