ECE 592 651 Python in Engineering
3 Credit Hours
The course is intended to provide a broad exposure to fundamental skills in the use of python in systems engineering, engineering experiments and in other engineering applications.
BS degree in engineering or related field. Basic knowledge of software & hardware and knowledge about MCUs, serial protocol, communication protocol, external peripherals, sensors, and programming.
Course Topics
- Mathematical operations. String /array operations. Lists, functions, Standard Libraries.
- Separating files, merging files, working with the folder structure in a directory.
- Extracting, parsing and interpreting data out of a web page, file, and hardware sensor systems.
- Data visualization techniques (graphs, tables, charts).
- Basic image processing and python computer vision library functions.
- Interfacing hardware such as sensors, microcontrollers with the computer and create hardware-in-loop systems using Python to control the actuators, read the sensors, data collection, and analysis. Raspberry Pi for this.
- Networking concepts in python and socket library.
- Introduction to advanced topics such as:
- Machine learning tools in Python,
- Advanced Image processing tools in Python.
Course Requirements
- Students will be required to have a computer or a laptop.
- Students will be required to obtain the following hardware components from Amazon or other resource
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Motherboard, Raspberry pi power supply, 16 or 32 GB microSd card,
- Optional: A keyboard, mouse and HDMI cable and any HDMI screen.
- Electronic Kit Bundle with Breadboard, jumper wires, Resistor, Capacitor, LED, Potentiometer. (More information about the vendors and the exact details of the electronic parts will be provided.)
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Motherboard, Raspberry pi power supply, 16 or 32 GB microSd card,
- Total workload will be on average 8-10 hours/week depending upon your overall programming skills.
Note: This class is designed for Electrical and Computer engineering students, and, therefore, will differ from other programming and python classes as specified in the course topics.
Grading Policy:
- Homework Assignments: 60%
- Project/s: 40%
Not required.
Supplementary text: Python Cookbook, David Beazley and Brian K. Jones, O’Reilly Media eBook
Updated 4/2/2020