[catlist name=spring-2024]
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- CHE 577 Advanced Biomanufacturing and Biocatalysis
- CHE 596 601 Green Chemical Engineering
- CHE 596 602 Polymer Rheology
- CHE 596 606 Core Chemical Engineering Concepts I
- CHE 596 607 Core Chemical Engineering Concepts II
- CHE 596 612 Adventures in Polymer Physics
- CHE 596 625 Drug Delivery – Theory and Modern Practices
- CHE 715 Transport Phenomena
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
- CE 505 Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation
- CE 509 Highway Safety
- CE 526 Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering
- CE 527 Structural Dynamics
- CE 529 FRP Strengthening and Repair of Concrete Structures
- CE 530 Properties of Concrete and Advanced Cement-Based Composites
- CE 550 Professional Engineering Communication
- CE 561 Construction Project Management
- CE 564 Legal Aspects of Contracting
- CE 577 Engineering Principles of Solid Waste Management (Barlaz)
- CE 579 Principles of Air Quality Engineering
- CE 705 Intelligent Transportation Systems
- CE 746 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- CE 763 Materials Management in Construction
Computer Science
- CSC 116 Introduction to Computing – Java
- CSC 216 Software Development Fundamentals
- CSC 217 601 Software Development Fundamentals Lab
- CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- CSC 230 C and Software Tools
- CSC 246 Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists
- CSC 316 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSC 506 Architecture of Parallel Computers
- CSC 510 Software Engineering
- CSC 517 Object-Oriented Design and Development
- CSC 540 Database Management Concepts and Systems
- CSC 562 Introduction to Game Engine Design
- CSC 565 Graph Theory
- CSC 570 Computer Networks
- CSC 574 Computer and Network Security
- CSC 575 Introduction to Wireless Networking
- CSC 600 Computer Science Graduate Orientation
- CSC 791 607 Advanced Cloud Architecture
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 305 Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion
- ECE 506 Architecture of Parallel Computers
- ECE 516 Systems Control Engineering
- ECE 517 Object-Oriented Design and Development
- ECE 524 Radio System Design
- ECE 535 Design of Electromechanical Systems
- ECE 544 Design of Electronic Packaging and Interconnects
- ECE 546 VLSI Design Systems
- ECE 551 Smart Electric Power Distribution Systems
- ECE 552 Renewable Electric Energy Systems
- ECE 561 Embedded System Design
- ECE 563 Microprocessor Architecture
- ECE 566 Compiler Optimization and Scheduling
- ECE 570 Computer Networks
- ECE 574 Computer and Network Security
- ECE 575 Introduction to Wireless Networking
- ECE 581 Electric Power System Protection
- ECE 583 Electric Power Engineering Practicum I
- ECE 600 ECE Graduate Orientation
- ECE 712 Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Communications
- ECE 745 Application Specific Integrated Circuit Verification
- ECE 786 Topics in Advanced Computer Architecture: Data Parallel Processors
- ECE 792-607 Advanced Cloud Architecture
- EGR 501 Engineering Leadership and Strategic Change
- EGR 506 Managing New High-Tech Product Launches
- EGR 507 Product Life Cycle Management
- EGR 590 601 Environmental Compliance for Facilities Engineers
- EGR 590 612 Engineering Project Management
- EGR 590 620 Engineering Education: Content, Assessment, and Pedagogy
Engineering Management
Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ISE 510 Applied Engineering Economy
- ISE 537 Statistical Model for System Analytics in Industrial Engineering
- ISE 540 Human Factors in Systems Design
- ISE 562 Simulation Modeling
- ISE 748 Quality Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
- MSE 500 Modern Concepts in Materials Science
- MSE 555 Polymer Technology and Engineering
- MSE 565 Introduction to Nanomaterials
- MSE 580 Materials Forensics and Degradation
- MSE 591 602 Introduction to Materials Informatics
- MSE 702 Defects in Solids
- MSE 705 Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials
- MSE 791 603 Density Functional Theory
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MAE 501 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
- MAE 515 Advanced Automotive Vehicle Dynamics
- MAE 526 Fundamentals of Product Design
- MAE 535 Design of Electromechanical Systems
- MAE 537 Mechanics of Composite Structures
- MAE 543 Fracture Mechanics
- MAE 586 Project Work in Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 589 602 Special Topics in ME for General Electric Students II
- MAE 589 604 Applied Aerodynamics
- MAE 589 610 Special Topics in ME for ABB Students I
- MAE 589 611 Special Topics in ME for ABB Students II
- MAE 708 Advanced Convective Heat Transfer
- MAE 734 Finite Element Analysis II
- MAE 787 Structural Health Monitoring
- MAE 789 Advanced Dynamics II
Nuclear Engineering
- NE 500 Advanced Energy Conversion in Nuclear Reactors
- NE 501 Reactor Analysis and Design
- NE 520 Radiation and Reactor Fundamentals
- NE 523 Computational Transport Theory
- NE 529 Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy II
- NE 531 Nuclear Waste Management
- NE 533 Nuclear Fuel Performance
- NE 541 Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy
- NE 591 Advanced Reactor Theory & Concepts
- NE 591-603 Nuclear Criticality Safety
- NE 693 Master’s Supervised Research (MNE Project)
- NE 732 Principles of Industrial Plasmas
- NE 777 Radiological Assessment
- NE 795 High Temperature Deformation of Materials