Course Homepages-spring
The following list of course homepages is provided for students to access the course materials for courses in which they are currently enrolled. You will find links to the course syllabus, lecture videos, lectures notes, and instructor course websites. To access much of this information you will need to be enrolled in the course and authenticate with your unity ID credentials.
Spring Semester
Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- CHE 531 Core Chemical Engineering Concepts I
- CHE 532 Core Chemical Engineering Concepts II
- CHE 577 Advanced Biomanufacturing and Biocatalysis
- CHE 596 601 Green Chemical Engineering
- CHE 596 609 Colloidal Science Nanoscale Engineering
- CHE 596 612 Viscoelasticity and Time-Dependent Mechanics of Polymers and Soft Matter
- CHE 596 625 Drug Delivery – Theory and Modern Practices
- CHE 715 Transport Phenomena
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
- CE 526 Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering
- CE 527 Structural Dynamics
- CE 550 Professional Engineering Communication
- CE 564 Legal Aspects of Contracting
- CE 585 Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling
- CE 706 Advanced Traffic Control
- CE 721 Matrix and Finite Element Structural Analysis
- CE 741 Geomechanics of Stress Deformation
- CE 746 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- CE 763 Materials Management in Construction
- CE 771 Physical-Chemical Water Treatment Processes
Computer Science
- CSC 116 Introduction to Computing – Java
- CSC 216 Software Development Fundamentals
- CSC 217 601 Software Development Fundamentals Lab
- CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- CSC 230 C and Software Tools
- CSC 246 Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists
- CSC 316 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSC 510 Software Engineering
- CSC 515 Software Security
- CSC 517 Object-Oriented Design and Development
- CSC 565 Graph Theory
- CSC 574 Computer and Network Security
- CSC 575 Introduction to Wireless Networking
- CSC 591 611 Foundation of Real-Time Systems
- CSC 591 631 Metaheuristics for Search and Optimization
- CSC 600 Computer Science Graduate Orientation
- CSC 791 607 Advanced Cloud Architecture
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 200 Introduction to Signals, Circuits and Systems
- ECE 515 601 Digital Communications
- ECE 516 Systems Control Engineering
- ECE 517 Object-Oriented Design and Development
- ECE 524 Radio System Design
- ECE 535 Design of Electromechanical Systems
- ECE 540 Electromagnetic Fields
- ECE 544 Design of Electronic Packaging and Interconnects
- ECE 546 VLSI Design Systems
- ECE 551 Smart Electric Power Distribution Systems
- ECE 552 Renewable Electric Energy Systems
- ECE 561 Embedded System Design
- ECE 563 Microprocessor Architecture
- ECE 566 Compiler Optimization and Scheduling
- ECE 574 Computer and Network Security
- ECE 575 Introduction to Wireless Networking
- ECE 581 Electric Power System Protection
- ECE 583 Electric Power Engineering Practicum I
- ECE 589 Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting
- ECE 712 Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Communications
- ECE 721 Advanced Microarchitecture
- ECE 736 Power Systems Stability and Control
- ECE 745 Application Specific Integrated Circuit Verification
- ECE 753 Computational Methods for Power Systems
- ECE 785 601 Advanced Embedded Systems
- ECE 792-607 Advanced Cloud Architecture
Engineering Education
- EGR 501 Engineering Leadership and Strategic Change
- EGR 505 Managerial Finance for Engineers
- EGR 506 Managing New High-Tech Product Launches
- EGR 507 Product Life Cycle Management
- EGR 518 601 Environmental Compliance for Facilities Engineers
- EGR 590 612 Engineering Project Management
Engineering Management
Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ISE 501 Introduction to Operations Research
- ISE 510 Applied Engineering Economy
- ISE 540 Human Factors in Systems Design
- ISE 552 Design and Control of Production and Service Systems
- ISE 553 Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains
- ISE 562 Simulation Modeling
- ISE 718 Micro/Nano-Scale Fabrication and Manufacturing
- ISE 748 Quality Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
- MSE 500 Modern Concepts in Materials Science
- MSE 555 Polymer Technology and Engineering
- MSE 580 Materials Forensics and Degradation
- MSE 589 Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting
- MSE 591 601 Introduction to Materials Informatics
- MSE 702 Defects in Solids
- MSE 705 Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials
- MSE 706 Phase Transformation and Kinetics
- MSE 791 601 Biomaterials Science
- MSE 791 603 Density Functional Theory
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MAE 316 Strength of Mechanical Components
- MAE 501 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
- MAE 515 Advanced Automotive Vehicle Dynamics
- MAE 526 Fundamentals of Product Design
- MAE 535 Design of Electromechanical Systems
- MAE 537 Mechanics of Composite Structures
- MAE 543 Fracture Mechanics
- MAE 586 Project Work in Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 589 609 Advanced Dynamics II
- MAE 589 613 Mechanics of Solid Polymers
- MAE 589 616 Aerodynamics of V/STOL Vehicles
- MAE 708 Advanced Convective Heat Transfer
- MAE 734 Finite Element Analysis II
Nuclear Engineering
- NE 500 Advanced Energy Conversion in Nuclear Reactors
- NE 501 Reactor Analysis and Design
- NE 505 Reactor Systems
- NE 511 Multiphysics of Nuclear Reactors
- NE 523 Computational Transport Theory
- NE 529 Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy II
- NE 541 Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy
- NE 560 : Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management (formerly 591-606)
- NE 590 Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response
- NE 591 601 Advanced Reactor Theory & Concepts
- NE 591 611 Advanced Characterization of Nuclear Materials
- NE 591-603 Nuclear Criticality Safety
- NE 693 Master’s Supervised Research (MNE Project)
- NE 724 Reactor Heat Transfer