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BME 540 Nanobiotechnology Processing

3 Credit Hours

Topics at the interface of nanoscale science and biotechnology will be discussed. Chemical, physical, and biological properties of nanostructured biomaterials, devices, and systems. Lectures and problem-based learning will be used to present development of nanobiotechnology-enhanced materials and devices.


Graduate standing.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the fundamental properties of nanobiomaterials, novel classes of materials used in implant and diagnostics applications, and the various factors (materials properties, biologic response, etc.) that define the utility and applications of these materials.
  • Explain interactions between cells, nucleic acids, proteins, and nanostructured biomaterials.
  • Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to topics such as methods for processing nanobiomaterials.
  • Communicate effectively on the development of nanobiomaterials via written reports.
  • Design a medical device or a prosthesis using nanostructured biomaterials in order to meet desired clinical needs.
  • Identify contemporary issues in nanobiotechnology from current events and discuss the practice of ethical responsibility related to development and use of nanobiomaterials in clinical medicine and biotechnology.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Nanobiotechnology (Six Lectures)
  2. Biomedical Nanostructures (Six Lectures)
  3. Cell Response to Nanostructured Biomaterials (Six Lectures)
  4. Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery (Six Lectures)
  5. Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology (Six Lectures)
  6. Methods for Processing Nanobiomaterials (Three Lectures)

Course Requirements

Oral and Written Reports – 80%
Final Exam and Report – 20%


Available from Google Books:

Nanoscience: Nanobiotechnology and Nanobiology By Patrick Boisseau, Philippe Houdy, Marcel Lahmani, Springer Science & Business Media. Copyright.

Nanobiotechnology II: More Concepts and Applications By Chad A. Mirkin, Christof M. Niemeyer, John Wiley & Sons, Copyright.