Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- CHE 543 Polymer Science and Technology
- CHE 596 606 Core Chemical Engineering Concepts I
- CHE 711 Chemical Engineering Process Modeling
- CHE 713 Thermodynamics I
- CHE 717 Chemical Reaction Engineering
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
- CE 515 Advanced Strength of Materials
- CE 522 Theory and Design of Prestressed Concrete
- CE 525 Advanced Structural Analysis
- CE 548 Engineering Properties of Soils I
- CE 550 Professional Engineering Communication
- CE 574 Chemical Principles of Environmental Engineering
- CE 576 Engineering Principles of Air Pollution Control
- CE 588 Water Resources Engineering
- CE 592 602 Global Construction Practices
- CE 724 Probabilistic Methods of Structural Engineering
- CE 725 Earthquake Structural Engineering
- CE 742 Deformation and Instability of Soils
- CE 774 Environmental Bioprocess Technology
Computer Science
- CSC 116 Introduction to Computing – Java
- CSC 216 Software Development Fundamentals
- CSC 217 Software Development Fundamentals Lab
- CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- CSC 230 C and Software Tools
- CSC 246 Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists
- CSC 316 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSC 501 Operating Systems Principles
- CSC 505 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CSC 506 Architecture of Parallel Computers
- CSC 517 Object-Oriented Design and Development
- CSC 519 DevOps: Modern Software Engineering Practices
- CSC 520 Artificial Intelligence I
- CSC 522 Automated Learning and Data Analysis
- CSC 533 Privacy in the Digital Age
- CSC 540 Database Management Concepts and Systems
- CSC 547 Cloud Computing Technology
- CSC 561 Principles of Computer Graphics
- CSC 570 Computer Networks
- CSC 574 Computer and Network Security
- CSC 577 601 Switched Network Management
- CSC 591 603 Quantum Computing
- CSC 591 607 Deep Learning Beyond Accuracy
- CSC 591 608 LTE and 5G Communications
- CSC 591 609 Internet of Things: Application and Implementation
- CSC 591 611 Optimizations and Algorithms
- CSC 600 Computer Science Graduate Orientation
- CSC 791 603 Natural Language Processing
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 506 Architecture of Parallel Computers
- ECE 511 Analog Electronics
- ECE 514 Random Processes
- ECE 517 Object-Oriented Design and Development
- ECE 518 Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems
- ECE 534 Power Electronics
- ECE 547 Cloud Computing Technology
- ECE 550 Power System Operation and Control
- ECE 560 Embedded System Architectures
- ECE 564 ASIC and FPGPA Design With Verilog
- ECE 565 Operating Systems Design
- ECE 570 Computer Networks
- ECE 574 Computer and Network Security
- ECE 577 601 Switched Network Management
- ECE 578 LTE and 5G Communications
- ECE 584 Electric Power Engineering Practicum II
- ECE 585 Business of Electric Utility
- ECE 587 Power System Transients Analysis
- ECE 591 602 Special Topics for General Electric Students
- ECE 591 605 Deep Learning Beyond Accuracy
- ECE 592 604 Quantum Computing
- ECE 592 611 Optimizations and Algorithms
- ECE 592 625 Internet of Things: Application and Implementation
- ECE 600 ECE Graduate Orientation
- ECE 720 Electronic System Level and Physical Design
- ECE 726 Advanced Feedback Control
- ECE 734 Power Management Integrated Circuits
- ECE 748 Advanced Verification with UVM
- ECE 759 601 Pattern Recognition
- EED 501 610 Teaching Undergraduate Engineers
- EGR 501 Engineering Leadership and Strategic Change
- EGR 506 Managing New High-Tech Product Launches
- EGR 517 601 Introduction to Facilities Engineering Systems
- EGR 590 606 Sustainable Lean Manufacturing
- EGR 590 608 Managing Innovation of New High-Tech Products
Engineering Management
Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ISE 501 Introduction to Operations Research
- ISE 510 Applied Engineering Economy
- ISE 515 Manufacturing Process Engineering
- ISE 544 Occupational Biomechanics
- ISE 560 Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering
- ISE 716 Automated Systems Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
- MSE 500 Modern Concepts in Materials Science
- MSE 509 Nuclear Materials
- MSE 540 Processing of Metallic Materials
- MSE 565 Introduction to Nanomaterials
- MSE 591 602 Introduction to Materials Informatics
- MSE 591 610 Quantitative Materials Characterization Techniques
- MSE 708 Thermodynamics of Materials
- MSE 721 Nanoscale Simulations and Modeling
- MSE 760 Materials Science in Processing of Semiconductor Devices
- MSE 791 605 Nonferrous Alloys
- MSE 791 610 Quantitative Materials Characterization Techniques
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MAE 504 Fluid Dynamics of Combustion I
- MAE 505 Heat Transfer Theory and Applications
- MAE 511 Advanced Dynamics with Applications to Aerospace Systems
- MAE 513 Principles of Structural Vibrations
- MAE 517 Advanced Precision Manufacturing for Products, Systems and Processes
- MAE 531 Engineering Design Optimization
- MAE 533 Finite Element Analysis I
- MAE 541 Advanced Solid Mechanics I
- MAE 550 Foundations of Fluid Dynamics
- MAE 551 Airfoil Theory
- MAE 560 601 Computational Fluid Mechanics
- MAE 586 Project Work in Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 589 608 Bio-Inspired Surfaces
Nuclear Engineering
- NE 502 Reactor Engineering
- NE 504 Radiation Safety and Shielding
- NE 509 Nuclear Materials
- NE 512 Nuclear Fuel Cycles
- NE 520 Radiation and Reactor Fundamentals
- NE 560 : Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management (formerly 591-606)
- NE 591 607 ST: Mathematical and Computational Methods in NE
- NE 693 Master’s Supervised Research (MNE Project)
- NE 723 Neutron Transport Theory
- NE 765 Verification and Validation in Scientific Computing